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Where can I find Truthset Scored Segments?“Truthset Scored” cobranded segments from different providers can be found in the LiveRamp Data Marketplace, Adobe’s AAM and TubeMogul, Lotame, The Trade Desk, Xandr, AdSquare and Salesforce/Krux. Just search for the phrase “Truthset Scored.”
What is Truthset Inside?Truthset Inside is the first multi-sourced, objectively accurate service to standardize demographic accuracy for audience targeting and media measurement. Our proprietary accuracy scores are compiled from more than 20 major data providers who participate in a quarterly scoring process. For more information about our methodology, see our overview here. Truthset Inside is interoperable amongst measurement suppliers, marketplaces, publishers, and advertisers to validate the accuracy of audience data and improve the precision and performance of advertising.
What data providers do you work with?We can work with ANY 3rd party advertising data providers to analyze, improve, and measure their segments for you to use and activate. We partner with a number of providers each quarter, to build our Truthscores ™ using a Wisdom of the Crowds methodology that allows us to benefit from their combined information of audiences in the US. Those providers can be found here.
Can Truthset measure beyond age/gender?Yes. Truthset measures campaigns for demographic delivery. Age, gender, ethnicity, income, kids, pets, and more with domain level granularity.
Where does Truthset get its data?Truthset hasn’t created our own segments/audiences, but instead we work with data providers or a brand’s own data sets to assess the accuracy of their demographic assertions for each consumer record.
Do you do B2B data?At this time, we are focused on consumer demographics but reach out if you’re interested in B2B and we can work together to understand your accuracy needs.
If data partner scoring is not pay-to-play for the providers, then how does Truthset make money?"We monetize our data accuracy and measurement services by helping users/buyers of data (marketers, agencies, publishers, platforms) analyze, improve and measure the accuracy of any data set used for activation.
What platforms are you integrated into?We integrate with any platform which can operate directly on Hashed Emails (HEMs) or HEM-compatible ID (RampID, UID2.0, etc). "Truthset Scored” cobranded segments from different providers can be found in the LiveRamp Data Marketplace, Adobe’s AAM and TubeMogul, Lotame, The Trade Desk, Xandr, AdSquare and Salesforce/Krux.
Who works with you - the marketer, the agency, the publisher, the platform, the data provider?"They all do! We work with marketers and agencies to help them reach their most accurate target audiences. We help publishers offer advertisers better access to accurate audiences as well as measurement to understand the accuracy of targeting already in place on their site. Activation Platforms and Marketplaces work with Truthset to curate premium offerings for their clients, while including Truthscores in their UIs, allowing for the balance of price, scale AND accuracy to return to data buying decision making. And we work with Data Partners, without money changing hands to maintain Truthset’s neutrality, to score their data. This gives Data Partners an opportunity to market themselves as a Data Partners who cares about data accuracy, and create and sell highly accurate segments at a premium. Truthset also helps Data Partners improve the segments that are not best in class by understanding the differences in accuracy across their sources, how their modeling/inferences are impacting accuracy, and how onboarding/identity resolution may be impacting the accuracy of their consumer records.
How does Truthset compare to other digital advertising measurement services?Truthset’s measurement is the next generation of audience on-target performance. Not only can Truthset measure (without tags!) the on-target performance of age and gender, but also dozens of other important consumer demographic targets (Household income, Pet Ownership, Children in the Household, Multicultural audiences, etc.). Beyond the ability to measure more target audiences, Truthset can improve the data used BEFORE campaigns run to ensure that measurement is not simply a post-impression report that feels like a report card you cannot influence or improve upon.
Can Truthset help me find multicultural segments?For advertisers trying to reach multicultural audiences, we know they are often under-represented and less accurately determined by 3rd party data vendors. Using Truthset improved segments from 3rd parties, you can increase your On-Target-Percentage within a verified multicultural audience.
Is this consumer data?Yes, Truthset is currently scoring consumer demographic data. We have built our systems to be capable of working against any type of data points (B2B, Purchase Based Segments, Health Conditions, Digital or CTV or Linear, etc.) and will continue, over time, to expand beyond consumer demographics. We felt it important to get these right first.
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